For most recent college graduates the technology sector is attractive. Silicon Valley seems like a really exciting place. Innovation is happening on a regular basis. Some of the companies those graduates might use every day came from there. The compensation seems really high. And the growth opportunities are bountiful. And while all of these things are true, what no one informs you about is the hiring process in Silicon Valley. Because there is more competition entering the area, hiring becomes more strict. There are more “hoops” that you need to jump through in order to secure your role. In this guide I’m going to help you get a better idea of what you might experience when you go to an interview at a technology company in San Francisco and ensure that you are well prepared for what you’ll experience in the sessions themselves.
San Francisco
Unemployment falls throughout Bay Area — but that was before Covid’s latest assault
Unemployment fell by more than a full point throughout much of the Bay Area between September and October, according to monthly data from California’s Economic Department.
Deurbanization Rising: Covid-19, Remote Work And Electric Aviation Will Reshape Living Patterns
Between 2006 and 2019, remote work expanded 170% to the point where about 8% of people with jobs worked remotely. By August 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic helped drive that figure to 20%, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Global Workforce Analytics believes percentage of telecommuters will hit 25% to 30% by the end of 2021.
This Election, California’s Proposition 22 Puts the Future of Labor on the Ballot
As Californians return their mail-in ballots, some of Silicon Valley’s largest tech companies have bombarded voters’ social media accounts, text messages and TV stations with a simple message: vote “yes” on Proposition 22.
Tech workers take to the mountains, bringing Silicon Valley with them
Tech staffers from the Bay Are are relocating across the country, bringing to their new locales the woes and upsides that go with some of America’s highest-paying jobs.